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Available for iOS and Android devices within the United States.

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How do we determine the right price for your smartphone?

Sold. can sell many smartphones, here are a few we've seen recently.

Sell your iPhone 4 on Sold and make up to $163. Awesome!

iPhone 4
up to $163

Sell your iPhone 4S on Sold and make up to $286. Awesome!

iPhone 4S
up to $286

Sell your iPhone 5 on Sold and make up to $475. Awesome!

iPhone 5
up to $475

Sell your Nokia Lumia on Sold and make up to $182. Awesome!

Nokia Lumia
up to $182

Sell your Windows Phone 8X on Sold and make up to $176. Awesome!

Windows Phone 8X
up to $176

Sell your Droid Incredible on Sold and make up to $82. Awesome!

Droid Incredible
up to $82

Sell your Droid RAZR MAXX on Sold and make up to $288. Awesome!

up to $288

Sell your Blackberry Bold on Sold and make up to $88. Awesome!

Blackberry Bold
up to $88

Sell your HTC One on Sold and make up to $391. Awesome!

up to $391

Sell your HTC One X+ on Sold and make up to $254. Awesome!

HTC One X+
up to $254

Sell your Samsung Galaxy 3 on Sold and make up to $231. Awesome!

Samsung Galaxy 3
up to $231

Sell your Samsung Galaxy S 4 on Sold and make up to $447. Awesome!

Samsung Galaxy S 4
up to $447

Sell your Samsung Galaxy Nexus on Sold and make up to $87. Awesome!

Samsung Galaxy Nexus
up to $87

Sell your Samsung Galaxy Note 2 on Sold and make up to $437. Awesome!

Samsung Galaxy Note 2
up to $437

Sell your Samsung SGH on Sold and make up to $36. Awesome!

Samsung SGH
up to $36

Sell your XPERIA Z on Sold and make up to $413. Awesome!

up to $413

Have a few neglected smartphones lying around? Let us sell them for you. Why? We'll do all the dirty work while you go on about your life. Sounds like a win win. We think.